Sellsy API Changelog
All notable changes to the sellsy API will be documented in this file.
[2.182.0] - 2025-03-24
[2.181.0] - 2025-03-19
- add settings embed on estimates and invoices
- add settings property input on estimates and invoices
- add shipping_volume and shipping_weight in input/output of estimate/invoices endpoints
- add shipping settings in input/output of estimate/invoices endpoints
- add assigned staff labels list endpoint
- add show_on_pdf in output of custom field endpoints
- add assigned_staff_label in document settings
[2.180.0] - 2025-02-26
- Add assigned_staff_id on document
- Fix national and international phone numbers for contacts and companies.
[2.179.0] - 2025-02-18
- add GET check labels endpoint
- add check_label_id in input/output of estimate/invoice
[2.178.0] - 2025-02-06
- Adding analytic code max length
- Add analytic code on document
[2.177.0] - 2025-02-05
- add invoicing/delivery address embed in invoice endpoints
- add endpoint for get payment terms
[2.176.0] - 2025-02-03
- add vat_mode and vat_mention on estimates and invoices
- add new endpoint for get bank accounts
- add bank accounts in progress invoice metadata
- add eco_tax_id field in input/output of Estimate and Invoice endpoints
- add eco_tax_id field in input/output of ProgressInvoice endpoints
- add payment_method_ids field in input/output of ProgressInvoice endpoints
- add payment_method_ids field in input/output of Invoice endpoints
- add payment_methods in progress invoice metadata endpoint
[2.175.1] - 2025-01-27
[2.175.0] - 2025-01-23
[2.174.0] - 2025-01-22
[2.173.0] - 2025-01-22
[2.172.0] - 2025-01-22
[2.171.0] - 2025-01-20
[2.170.0] - 2025-01-09
[2.169.0] - 2025-01-06
[2.168.0] - 2024-12-17
- Adding document note max lenght
[2.167.0] - 2024-12-17
[2.166.0] - 2024-12-16
[2.165.0] - 2024-12-09
[2.164.0] - 2024-12-04
- add in_app reminder in tasks
[2.163.0] - 2024-11-26
- Add new property 'private_mode' on update email settings
[2.162.0] - 2024-11-22
- For endpoint GET /settings/email, add new prop "private_mode" on output
[2.161.0] - 2024-11-08
- For acl embed, add new acl "update_email_privacy"
[2.160.0] - 2024-11-07
- Add embeds for GET Companies contact endpoint
- Fix an issue for item "is_name_included_in_description" option was not taken into account on sales documents
[2.159.0] - 2024-10-18
[2.158.0] - 2024-10-14
[2.157.0] - 2024-10-14
- Prevent the update of the same custom field sent multiple time
- Add examples to purchase_amount field on document endpoints
[2.156.0] - 2024-10-11
[2.155.0] - 2024-10-10
- add reminders on phonecalls
- Open Deposits Invoices endpoints in beta
[2.154.0] - 2024-10-08
[2.153.0] - 2024-10-07
- Add item name maximum length
[2.152.0] - 2024-10-07
[2.151.0] - 2024-09-26
[2.150.0] - 2024-09-25
[2.149.0] - 2024-09-24
[2.148.0] - 2024-09-24
- add new row type 'deposit' in response of Get Invoice
[2.147.0] - 2024-09-16
[2.146.0] - 2024-09-06
- Add 'invoice' and 'estimate' filters in activities/seach endpoint
[2.145.0] - 2024-09-04
[2.144.0] - 2024-08-27
[2.143.0] - 2024-08-12
- add default phone call label in activities meta
[2.142.0] - 2024-08-01
- New endpoint to list and search GoCardless mandates
[2.141.0] - 2024-08-01
- add reminders property to task endpoints
[2.140.0] - 2024-07-23
- Add endpoint to get declinations prices
[2.139.0] - 2024-07-09
[2.138.0] - 2024-06-27
[2.137.0] - 2024-06-24
- Add character limit for field "reference" on endpoint POST /companies and PUT /companies/id
[2.136.0] - 2024-06-20
[2.135.0] - 2024-06-17
- On Sellsy subscription, payment_method can contain 'none'
[2.134.0] - 2024-06-17
- Add new filter "archived" for endpoint GET /search
[2.133.0] - 2024-06-10
[2.132.0] - 2024-06-05
- add new filter country code and postal code on individual
- Adding the advanced status to the Update Estimate status endpoint
[2.131.0] - 2024-05-16
[2.130.0] - 2024-05-07
- add owner embed for companies, individuals and contacts endpoints
[2.129.0] - 2024-04-24
- Add new deposits embed to invoices endpoints
- Add tax id field on list item declinations endpoint
[2.128.0] - 2024-04-17
- Add property "unknown" for result in phone-calls endpoint
[2.127.0] - 2024-04-04
[2.126.0] - 2024-03-27
- add priority in calendar events endpoints
- add priority in phone calls endpoints
[2.125.0] - 2024-03-20
- make property country on address model nullable
- Add missing category_id field on items endpoints
[2.124.0] - 2024-03-06
- Add endpoint to list item declinations
- Add new filter postal code and country code on company and contacts
[2.123.0] - 2024-02-22
[2.122.0] - 2024-02-20
- Add endpoint to update estimate status
- Add a new endpoint for accounting code deletion
[2.121.0] - 2024-02-14
- Add field is_declined in get item endpoint
- Add 4 properties to subscriptions : first payment date and 3 counters (total, generated and remaining)
- Add minimum to owner_id on all endpoints
[2.120.0] - 2024-02-07
[2.119.0] - 2024-01-24
- Add a new output field for rows type single, catalog and shipping/packaging on invoices
- Add a new output field for rows type single, catalog and shipping/packaging on estimates
- Add a new output field for rows type single, catalog and shipping/packaging on credit notes
- Add a new output field for rows type single, catalog and shipping/packaging on orders
- Add a new output field for rows type single, catalog and shipping/packaging on document models
- Add property is_optional on update existing rows on documents
- Add a new output field for notifications
[2.118.0] - 2024-01-15
- Add a new output field for the company and individual type on the endpoint search
[2.117.0] - 2024-01-12
- Add property invoicing address id and delivery address id on create invoice and create order
[2.116.0] - 2024-01-12
- Add property "shipping_date" for invoice estimate and order endpoints
[2.115.0] - 2024-01-12
[2.114.0] - 2024-01-10
- Fix related contact on order, invoice and credit note
- remove required on geocode on addresses endpoints
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to update and delete estimates
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to view items
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to view tickets
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to view deliveries
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to view proformas
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl to view purchase invoices, credit notes, deliveries, orders
- Add endpoint PUT ./discount-incl-taxes/{id}
- Add endpoint GET ./discount-incl-taxes/{id}
- change the name of the items property to type of entity object on search endpoints
- Add endpoint DELETE ./discount-incl-taxes/{id}
- Add a new endpoint POST /accounting-codes to create accounting code
- Add field is_sent_to_accounting to input invoice and credit-note
[2.113.0] - 2023-12-21
- Add embed discount_incl_taxes for documents endpoints
- Update max length to filed description of entity discount-incl-taxes
[2.112.0] - 2023-12-13
- Add filter is_required for endpoint POST ./custom-fields/search
[2.111.0] - 2023-12-06
- Add new endpoint POST /discount-incl-taxes for create a discount including taxes
- Add analytic code on items
[2.110.0] - 2023-11-27
- add working days in activities meta
- Add 'computed' property for email settings signature item
[2.109.0] - 2023-11-22
- Add subscription_id when an invoice comes from a subscription
[2.108.0] - 2023-11-15
[2.107.0] - 2023-11-09
- add working days in activities meta
[2.106.0] - 2023-11-07
[2.105.0] - 2023-11-02
[2.104.0] - 2023-10-18
- Add option single_login on OAuth client, to invalide previous access token for user when generating a new one
- Add new endpoint DELETE /invoices/{invoiceId}/primes/{primeId} for unlink a prime from an invoice
- Add new endpoint DELETE /estimates/{estimateId}/primes/{primeId} for unlink a prime from an estimate
- Add new endpoint DELETE /orders/{orderId}/primes/{primeId} for unlink a prime from an order
- Add new endpoint DELETE /credit-notes/{creditNoteId}/primes/{primeId} for unlink a prime from a credit note
[2.103.0] - 2023-10-12
[2.102.0] - 2023-10-12
[2.101.0] - 2023-10-04
- Update get-email-thread endpoint for add new fields
- Add email settings connection information
[2.100.0] - 2023-09-26
- Add email recipients on subscriptions
- check quotas on rate categories and invoices creation
[2.99.0] - 2023-09-20
- Add new endpoint POST /invoices/{invoiceId}/primes/{primeId} for link a prime to an invoice
- Add new endpoint POST /estimates/{estimateId}/primes/{primeId} for link a prime to an estimate
- Add new endpoint POST /orders/{orderId}/primes/{primeId} for link a prime to an order
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/{creditNoteId}/primes/{primeId} for link a prime to a credit note
[2.98.0] - 2023-09-20
[2.97.0] - 2023-09-12
- Add note field on sales documents endpoints
- declare new quota document_invoices available
- Add endpoint GET ./primes
- Add service_start_date, service_end_date and options properties for marketing subscriptions embed on GET staff endpoint
[2.96.0] - 2023-09-07
[2.95.0] - 2023-09-06
- Add new embed "features" for get staff endpoint
- declare new quota rate_categories available
[2.94.0] - 2023-09-04
- Add marketing subscription on staff
- Deprecating document property on GET & SEARCH accounting-journal endpoint
- Adding new property
for bank journal
- Add new endpoint POST /email/send
- Adding new export accounting journal parameter (documents.linked) for the new column
- Staff endpoints may return an error, depending on the subscription level
- expose more quota types
- declare new quota catalog_items available
[2.93.0] - 2023-08-23
- Add a company/individual filter to subscriptions endpoint
[2.92.0] - 2023-08-09
- add detail to description for HTTP code 402
[2.91.0] - 2023-08-02
- Add new endpoint GET /documents/models/tags to get all tags that could be used on a document model
- declare new quotas available on your subscription on get./quotas endpoint :
, documents
, file_storage
, recurring
, report_cards
[2.90.0] - 2023-07-26
- add field features for GET /settings/subscription
[2.89.0] - 2023-07-20
- Adding new purchase_amount field on every item endpoints
- add field service_dates in input for documents order/invoice/credit-note/estimate
- add field service_dates in output for documents order/invoice/credit-note/estimate
[2.88.0] - 2023-07-18
- Add new endpoint PUT /credit-notes/{id} to update a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes to create a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/compute to compute a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tag to a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/{id}/validate to validate a credit note
- Add new endpoint GET /credit-notes/{id}/invoices to list invoices linked to a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /invoices/compute to compute an invoice
- Add new endpoint GET /invoices/{id}/credit-notes to list credit note linked to an invoice
- Add new endpoint POST /invoices/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tags to an invoice
- Add new endpoint POST /orders/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tags to an order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/{id}/smart-tags to list smart tags to an order
[2.87.0] - 2023-06-26
- Add new endpoint PUT /credit-notes/{id} to update a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes to create a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/compute to compute a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tag to a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /credit-notes/{id}/validate to validate a credit note
- Add new endpoint GET /credit-notes/{id}/invoices to list invoices linked to a credit note
- Add new endpoint POST /invoices/compute to compute an invoice
- Add new endpoint GET /invoices/{id}/credit-notes to list credit note linked to an invoice
- Add new endpoint POST /invoices/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tags to an invoice
- Add new endpoint POST /orders/{id}/smart-tags to link smart tags to an order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/{id}/smart-tags to list smart tags to an order
[2.86.0] - 2023-06-13
- Add new endpoint PUT /invoices/{id}/custom-fields to update custom fields of an invoice
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/{id}/custom-fields to list custom fields of an order
- Add new endpoint PUT /orders/{id}/custom-fields to update custom fields of an order
- Add new endpoint PUT /credit-notes/{id}/custom-fields to update custom fields of a credit note
[2.85.0] - 2023-06-06
- text attribute is no more required for comment and title document rows
[2.84.0] - 2023-05-30
- Add endpoint PUT./documents/models/{id} for update a model
[2.83.0] - 2023-05-23
[2.82.0] - 2023-05-11
- The field due_date of /PUT opportunites/{id} can be nullable
[2.81.0] - 2023-05-02
- Add new endpoint POST /documents/models to create new model
- Add new endpoint GET /documents/models to list all models
- Add new endpoint GET /documents/models/id to get one model
- Add new endpoint POST /documents/models/{id}/convert to convert a model to a document
- Add new endpoint GET /documents/models/tags to get all tags that could be used on a document model
- Add new endpoint POST /subscriptions to create a new subscription
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions to get all subscriptions
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions/search to search subscriptions with filters
- Add new endpoint DELETE /subscriptions/id to delete subscription
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions/id to get one subscription
- Add new endpoint PATCH /subscriptions/{id}/payment-installments to add payment installment to one subscription
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions/{id}/payment-installments to get all payment installments to one subscription
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions/{id}/payment-installments/search to get payment installments to one subscription with filters
[2.80.0] - 2023-04-11
[2.79.0] - 2023-04-04
- Add new endpoint GET /subscriptions/payment-installments to get all payment installments
- Add new endpoint POST /subscriptions/payment-installments/search to search payment installments
- Add new endpoint GET /directories/id to retrieve directory informations
- Create or update a directory now return a full directory schema
- Add description property on directory schema
- Add a new filter 'is_linked', on contacts search endpoint, to filter contact according to whether or not they are related to companies and individuals
- Add endpoints to manage payments (list, fetch, search delete)
- Add endpoints to create payment on a company or an individual
- Add endpoints to link and unlink payment to an estimate
- Add endpoints to link and unlink payment to an invoice
- Add endpoints to link and unlink payment to a credit note
- Add possibility to update existing rows for credit note
- Deprecated field "public_link" and add field "public_link_enabled" to replace it
- Update filter mobile name "mobile_phone" to "mobile_number"
[2.78.0] - 2023-03-28
- Change description of create invoice : for Company & Individual, only client type is allowed
- Add new endpoint PATCH /files/{id} to move a file to another directory or entity
- Add new endpoints GET & POST /orders/id/files to manage files on an document order
- Add new return code for partial return when Gocardless is unreachable
- Remove query parameters fields on compute document endpoints, which is not managed
- Add new endpoints POST and DELETE /credit-notes/id/invoices/id to manage links between those 2 document types
- Add new endpoints POST and DELETE /invoices/id/credit-notes/id to manage links between those 2 document types
- Fixed a problem with schema formatting
[2.77.1] - 2023-03-22
- Fixed a problem with schema formatting
[2.77.0] - 2023-03-21
- Add new endpoint DELETE /orders/{documentId}/payments/{paymentId} to unlink a payment from an order
- Add new endpoint POST /orders/{documentId}/payments/{paymentId} to link a payment from an order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/{id}/payments to get payments from an order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/search to search orders
- Add new endpoint PUT /orders/{id} to update an order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders/{id} to get an order
- Add new endpoint POST /orders/compute to compute an order
- Add new endpoint POST /orders to create a new order
- Add new endpoint GET /orders to get all orders
- Add new related type on create/update task and calendar event
- Add new endpoint DELETE /files/id to delete a file
- Add new endpoint GET /files/id to get a file
- Add new endpoint POST /directories to create directory
- Add new endpoint DELETE /directories/id to remove a directory
- Add new endpoint PUT /directories/id to update a directory
- Add new endpoint GET /companies/id/files to get all files and directories of a company
- Add new endpoint GET /contacts/id/files to get all files and directories of a contact
- Add new endpoint GET /individuals/id/files to get all files and directories of an individual
- Add new endpoint GET /opportunities/id/files to get all files and directories of an opportunity
- Add new endpoint GET /estimates/id/files to get all files and directories of an estimate
- Add new endpoint GET /invoices/id/files to get all files and directories of an invoice
- Add new endpoint GET /credit-notes/id/files to get all files and directories of a credit note
- Add new endpoint GET /directories/id/files to get all files and directories of a directory
[2.76.0] - 2023-03-14
- Add new field "created" for embed account on GET staff endpoint
- On POST opportunities endpoint, block if same staff is assigned multiple times
[2.75.0] - 2023-03-07
[2.74.0] - 2023-03-01
- Add rate_category_id property in input of document creation
- Add rate_category_id property in the response scheme of a document
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl for document models
- Add on staff endpoint acl embed, acl for subscriptions
[2.73.0] - 2023-02-21
- Add new field parent on doc creation endpoint
- Add filter on items search to restrict on item type
[2.72.0] - 2023-02-21
[2.71.0] - 2023-02-14
[2.70.0] - 2023-02-07
- deprecation for 2 fields on output compute endpoints
- add rows on output compute order endpoint
- New endpoints to manage and list custom fields for an estimate
[2.69.0] - 2023-02-01
[2.68.1] - 2023-01-27
- Fix response format for accounting journal meta endpoint
[2.68.0] - 2023-01-20
- Update the /batch endpoint to be used publicy
[2.67.0] - 2023-01-17
- add new acl for invoices endpoints
- Add max length on emails in custom fields
[2.66.0] - 2023-01-11
- Add property is_active in the body schema of update staff endpoint
- Fields activated_at and activated_by of Retrieve invoicing conformity state become nullable
- Fields depreciation for rows shipping and packaging on documents
- Add missing filter on invoice search endpoint
- Add order field on id and name on staffs list endpoint
- add parent type 'order' on invoice create endpoint
[2.65.0] - 2022-12-20
- Add payment controls on Staff ACL embed
[2.64.0] - 2022-12-13
- Add event_details to notifications endpoint
- Remove required fields invoicing_address_id and delivery_address_id from estimate compute endpoint
- Add embed payment_terms on estimate endpoints
[2.63.0] - 2022-12-06
- Add new endpoints get./companies/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./individuals/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./contacts/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./estimates/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./invoices/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./credit-notes/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./opportunities/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add new endpoints get./items/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add filter favourite_filter on search companies endpoint
- Add filter favourite_filter on search individuals endpoint
- Add filter favourite_filter on search contacts endpoint --minor
- Add filter favourite_filter on search estimates endpoint --minor
- Add filter favourite_filter on search invoices endpoint --minor
- Add filter favourite_filter on search creditnotes endpoint --minor
- Add filter favourite_filter on search items endpoint --minor
- Add filter favourite_filter on search opportunities endpoint --minor
- Clarify the documentation of "how to link a smart-tag to entity"
- Add new endpoint get./orders/favourite-filters to list favourite filters
- Add filter favourite_filter on search orders endpoint
- remove field is_deposit from input create invoice and add is_deposit field in output
- Add filter is_deposit for credit-note and field is_deposit in output
- Add orders control on staff acl embed
[2.62.0] - 2022-11-22
- add property subject on credit note output, and remove nullable attribute on rows property on documents output
- Add endpoint to validate an invoice into due status
[2.61.0] - 2022-11-15
- Added ticket type to search endpoint
- Added redactor types to search endpoint
[2.60.0] - 2022-11-08
- Add property 'parent' on invoice create body and in invoice output schema
- Adding new DELETE /smart-tags/{id} endpoint
- add new param order_reference for endpoint invoices
[2.59.0] - 2022-11-07
- Add mimetype support video/quicktime on file import endpoints
[2.58.0] - 2022-11-02
- Added GET route for custom languages
- add rank order and acl embed on taxes endpoint
- add new endpoint POST /taxes
- add new endpoint GET+PUT+DELETE /taxes/{id}
- add query parameter include_ecotax to taxes endpoint
- add embed translations to taxes endpoint
- add new endpoint GET /rate-categories
- add new endpoint POST /rate-categories
- add new endpoint GET+PUT+DELETE /rate-categories/{id}
[2.57.0] - 2022-10-11
[2.56.0] - 2022-10-04
- add new field payment_conditions_acceptance for estimate
- Remove the 'contact' related of input invoices route
[2.55.0] - 2022-09-27
- add verify query parameter to PUT /companies & PUT /individuals endpoints
- Added new roles list object to contacts metadata endpoint
- Add amounts.total_primes_incl_tax in document output endpoints
- Adding new roles field to 'Link a contact at one company' endpoint
- Added new endpoint for updating contact roles when linked to a company
- Opened file upload endpoints to public beta
[2.54.0] - 2022-09-20
- Enable delegated oauth clients
- Add route for update api client
- Added max length on contact first name
- Added max length on company name
- Add new acls on staffs for Files management
- block update number to invoice when conformity is on
- Add is_archived property on output for items endpoint
- Add filter id on companies and individuals search endpoints
- New field decimal_number in output of invoices
- New field assigned_staff_id in output of invoices
- Rewording related field description on estimates and invoices endpoints
- New field contact_id in output of invoices
- New fields invoicing_address_id/delivery_address_id in output of invoices
- pass endpoint create and update invoices from private to public
[2.53.0] - 2022-09-14
- Enable delegated oauth clients
- Add route for update api client
- Added max length on company name
[2.52.0] - 2022-09-12
[2.51.0] - 2022-09-06
- Expose property updated_at on individuals: on output ; order for list endpoints ; available filter on search
- New endpoint DELETE /items/{id} to delete an item or service
[2.50.0] - 2022-08-31
- Add route /POST items
- On output items, remove required on name field
- On output items, add required on reference field
- Add route /PUT items
- New field and order due_date for the invoices
- Add properties on item endpoints :
, description
, is_name_included_in_description
, accounting_code_id
, accounting_purchase_code_id
[2.49.0] - 2022-08-23
- Add order by amount for /POST invoices/search and /GET invoices
- Add order by amount for /POST estimates/search and /GET estimates
- Add order by amount for /POST credit-notes/search and /GET credit-notes
- Add filter
on route POST /invoices/search
[2.48.0] - 2022-08-09
- edit rate category amount for an item
[2.47.0] - 2022-08-02
[2.46.0] - 2022-07-26
- add prices list for item
- update owner id on individual and company
- add owner_id to contact
[2.45.0] - 2022-07-20
- Add the properties id and type required for input related of opportunities
- wording of sku_id
[2.44.0] - 2022-07-12
- add is_deposit in invoice
[2.43.0] - 2022-07-05
- add verify query parameter on comment creation
- allow to handle civility on individuals
- add aggregation count_by_status on search estimates endpoint
- Add created field in request body of estimate, invoice, creditnote creation endpoints
- Add created field in request body of contact creation endpoint
[2.42.0] - 2022-06-28
- delete input properties invoicing_address_id and delivery_address_id on estimate endpoints
- add countries endpoint
- add new endpoint GET /fiscal-years
- added ownerid on the update route for opportunities
- add
property on custom fields endpoint
- add property
in output on companies endpoints, and allow to order & search on this field
- Add created field in request body of calendar event creation endpoints
- Add created field in request body of task creation endpoints
- Add missing query parameters on list and search staffs endpoints
[2.41.0] - 2022-06-21
- Add required for timetracking on comments
- Add created field in request body of individuals and companies creation endpoints
- Update on get./items/id output schema, depreciate reference_price and price_excl_tax, add new properties reference_price_taxes_inc and reference_price_taxes_exc and currency
- New endpoint GET /items and POST /items/search
- Add created field in request body of opportunity creation endpoint
- can order opportunity by due_date
- add endpoint GET /credit-notes/{id}/invoices
- Add created field in request body of comment creation endpoint
- replace company/individual keys by companies/individuals on accounting journal endpoints
- add invoice, estimate and credit note as task related
[2.40.0] - 2022-06-07
- Add new field marketing in contact metadata endpoint
- Delete additional_property_false on individuals schema, for being compliant with unit test on backward compatibilty
- Add embed smart_tags on invoices and creditnotes endpoints
- Staff schema can now be restricted, depends on current user permissions on staffs visibility
[2.39.0] - 2022-06-02
- Change amount format of opportunities aggregations. Amount field is now an object with value and currency properties
- add missing field firstname/lastname in output of staff endpoints
[2.38.0] - 2022-05-18
- Add order
on opportunities list endpoints
- Add new endpoint patch./opportunities/step-rank
- Adds open beta for read-only endpoints of invoices and credit notes
[2.37.0] - 2022-05-03
- Add renew cart on settings/subscription
- New endpoint GET /settings/email
- New endpoint PUT /settings/email
- New endpoint GET /settings/email/tags
- Add acl can_validate_invoices on staff embed acl
- add field tax_id for single and catalog row update schema. Add deprecated on tax field
- Order numero in estimates list endpoints is now deprecated. Use number instead
- Add invoices on acl embed for staff endpoint
[2.36.0] - 2022-04-26
- Add the embed smart_tags for entities companies/individuals/contacts/opportunities/estimates
[2.35.0] - 2022-04-21
- Add cashflow external subscription on staff embed
[2.34.0] - 2022-04-20
- Add embedded custom-field to route GET/POST and the route end by /search for entity Company/Contact/Individual/Opportunity/Estimate
- Add embed related + company + individual + contact on credit-note endpoints
- Add filter status on post./credit-notes/search
[2.33.0] - 2022-04-12
- Add filter status on post./invoices/search
- Add cashflow subscription on staff embed
- Add property rows on get./invoices/id
[2.32.0] - 2022-04-05
- When create/update a company, allow 5-6 chars on ape_naf_code
[2.31.0] - 2022-03-29
[2.30.0] - 2022-03-24
- Add an create cashflow ACL on the staff route
[2.29.0] - 2022-03-22
- Add number field for create-opportunity endpoint
- Add owner_id field for create-opportunity endpoint
- Add sync field on individual endpoints
- Add missing field last_name on contacts list endpoint
- add invoices on acl embed for staff endpoint
- New endpoints GET+PUT /invoices/{id}/custom-fields
- Expose embed acl on /invoices endpoints
- Add polymorph format for filter type for search endpoints of companies and individuals now it can be an array of string and a simple string
- Add an cashflow ACL on the staff route
[2.28.1] - 2022-03-18
- Add an cashflow ACL on the staff route
[2.28.0] - 2022-03-17
[2.27.0] - 2022-03-15
- add fields total in row with discount
- add global discount field in the compute estimate endpoint
- Handle partial response status code for crm activities search
- new aggregation on amounts on opportunities
- add is_default property to opportunity categories
- Use dictionary for the events field of get-webhook-events endpoint
- Add scopes for invoices
- Delete additional_property:false on individuals schema
- Add scopes for embed objects in descriptions. Also allow all embedded objects to be null in case the scopes are not respected.
- Add information about the administrator role on the Profile schema
- Add the Profile as an embedded object on the get-staff endpoint
- Add the User as an embedded object on the get-staff endpoint
- Add the Account as an embedded object on the get-staff endpoint
- Increases the lifetime of access token to 24h
- Add of a scope for access to the API v1
[2.26.0] - 2022-03-07
- Delete additional_property:false on individuals schema
[2.25.0] - 2022-03-07
- Add route /GET for get list of smart tags for an individual
- Add route /POST for link a list of smart tag to an individual
- Change the schema for the routes /[companies/contacts]/{id}/smart-tags and /smart-tags/{linkedtype}/autocomplete
- Add new field marketing_campaigns_subscriptions in input/output of create/update/get Contact, Company, Individual endpoints
- Fix: use scope on get-calendar-events instead of
- better document aggregation limitation on estimates
[2.24.0] - 2022-03-02
- Add route /GET for get list of smart tags for an individual
- Add route /POST for link a list of smart tag to an individual
- Change the schema for the routes /[companies/contacts]/{id}/smart-tags and /smart-tags/{linkedtype}/autocomplete
[2.23.0] - 2022-02-28
[2.22.0] - 2022-02-24
- allow to filter opportunities by status
[2.21.0] - 2022-02-15
[2.20.2] - 2022-02-09
- Add beta flag on /[companies/contacts]/{id}/smart-tags and /smart-tags/{linkedtype}/autocomplete endpoint
[2.20.1] - 2022-02-02
[2.20.0] - 2022-02-01
- Add embed sources on GET /opportunities/categories endpoint
- Add name+permission in return value of customfield company/staff/product/contact endpoint
- Change related field from object to array on /estimates/compute endpoint
[2.19.0] - 2022-01-26
[2.18.0] - 2022-01-25
- Add new endpoint for GET accounting journals
- Add field is_setup to index sync_provider
[2.17.0] - 2022-01-21
- New endpoint GET /notifications + POST /notifications/search
- New endpoint DELETE /notifications/{id}
- New endpoint PATCH /notifications/{id}/mark-as-read
- Added staff type to search endpoint
- Add new field mentioned_staffs_ids in input of create comment endpoint
- New endpoint GET /notifications/settings
- New endpoint PUT /notifications/settings
- Add new nullable attribute timetracking in input + output, on /comments endpoint
- Add do-no-disturb field on GET and PUT /notifications/settings
- Add new available relatedtype to link when creating a comment
- Add new filter entity on activities + timeline - to filter on a specific entity
- Add new field _type for phone calls related embed
[2.16.0] - 2022-01-11
- Add phone calls in embed ACL to staff endpoints
- Add /opportunities/steps/search route to search steps for all pipelines
- Remove embed aggregations for single result in opportunity endpoint
- Add id filter for steps on steps search endpoints
- Add support of multiple relations for Phone calls: remove the max limit of related objects
[2.15.0] - 2022-01-05
- Add route /GET for fetch listing of smart-tags in company
- Add route /GET for fetch listing of smart-tags in contact
- Add route /POST for update the smart-tags to a company
- Add route /GET for autocomplete in smart tags
- Add scope
- Add scope smart-tags.write
- Add filter siret on companies
- Added order "created" to opportunity endpoint
[2.14.0] - 2021-12-22
- Update /search endpoint schema
- Add new intercom_hash embed on staffs routes
[2.13.0] - 2021-12-16
- Remove endpoints for accounting-journals
[2.12.0] - 2021-12-14
- New endpoint for get sells accounting journal
- Add firmsearch field for route metadata company
- Added "staff" type to search endpoint
[2.11.0] - 2021-12-13
- Add route for manage oauth clients
- Add Authorization Code and Client Credential Flow
- Deprecate the routes of personal access token
[2.10.0] - 2021-12-09
- Add business_segment field on Company endpoints
- Add number_of_employees field on Company endpoints
[2.9.1] - 2021-12-01
- Added field discount.type on Estimates GET endpoints
[2.9.0] - 2021-11-23
- Add route for get metadata of company
- Add order on /accounts/documents
- New endpoint POST /batch
- Add field "price_excl_tax" to route /GET item/{id}
- New endpoint POST /staffs/search
[2.8.1] - 2021-11-16
- Add new parameters verify
[2.8.0] - 2021-10-12
- Add color property on event+task+phonecall label item
- Add aggregation "aggregations.by_author_and_label" on activities endpoint
- Add documents (subcription) for account
[2.7.0] - 2021-10-05
- Add new opportunities aggregation : number_by_pipeline_and_step
- Add order by expiry_date for estimates list & search
- add filter 'assigned_staffs' on opportunities endpoints
- Added third type to return value of CustomFields 'company-individuals'
[2.6.1] - 2021-09-28
- Reorganize documentation menu
- Documented phonecall "due_date" filter
[2.6.0] - 2021-09-14
- Expose partial content on GET /emails/{id} if the email provider encounter an issue
- Add support for opportunities aggregations
[2.5.0] - 2021-09-08
- Add 'preferences_calendar' embed in staff endpoint
[2.4.2] - 2021-09-02
- Fix comment's owner schema in embed response : unique object instead of a list of objects
- Add context in Error
[2.4.1] - 2021-08-24
- Added orders "name" and "created_at" for endpoint "Contact list" and "Search Contact"
- Allow to filter on contact id on /contacts/search
[2.4.0] - 2021-08-17
- Allow to assign licenses at staff creation/update
- Add order for permission profil list
- Add shipping and packaging totals to the exposed amounts in estimates
[2.3.0] - 2021-08-10
- Add new embed license on staff endpoints
- New endpoint PUT /staff/{id}/licenses
- New route GET /quotas
- New endpoint PUT for /opportunities/{id}/custom-fields
- New endpoint PUT for /individuals/{id}/custom-fields
- New endpoint PUT for /contacts/{id}/custom-fields
- Add new route for delete staff subscription
- Fix bad output schema on
POST /search
[2.2.0] - 2021-08-04
- New endpoint GET /settings/subscription
- Add description on the usage of aggregations for CRM activities endpoint
[2.1.1] - 2021-07-28
- Added new route "/email/domain/validate"
- Add declination_id to row (write/read)
- Estimate response, property "related" now includes "opportunity" linked
- Search estimates, add value 'opportunity' in 'related_objects' filter
[2.1.0] - 2021-07-06
- Add "taxes" entry for estimate endpoints
- Add aggregation field for amount sum by status in estimate search endpoint
- Add currency filter in estimate search endpoint
[2.0.0] - 2021-06-29
- Create API v2
- Create base documentation
- New endpoint PUT estimate
- New endpoint GET Currency
- Add route get custom-fields of contacts
- Add new route for GET individuals custom-fields
- Add new route for GET opportunities custom-fields
- New entry point for email domain DNS authentication
- New endpoint Get Emails Thread
- Add profile endpoints
- Add new route for create estimate
- Add new route for compute estimate
- Add new endpoint for GET units
- New entry points for payment means
- Add POST estimates/search route to get an filtered estimate list
- Add POST estimates route to create estimate
- Add doc row schema
- Add POST estimates/compute to compute estimates
- Add GET estimate/{id} route to get a unique estimate by id
- Add GET estimates route to get an estimate list
- New Endpoint GET custom fields
- Add item declination in search endpoint
- Add item in search endpoint
- Add purchases in search endpoint
- New endpoint POST /phone-calls for create phonecall
- New endpoint POST /phone-calls/search for search phonecall
- New endpoint DELETE /phone-calls/{id} for delete phonecall
- New endpoint PUT /phone-calls/{id} for update phonecall
- New endpoints to extract and manipulate comments
- New entry points for webhooks (get, create, update, list, delete, list events)
- New Endpoint GET email
- Add calendar event endpoint
- Add endpoints to fetch tasks and calendar events labels
- Added Opportunity Sources API endpoints (listing, searching, category listing)
- Added new endpoint GET /opportunities/categories to retrieve opportunities categories
- Added new endpoint GET /opportunities/categories/:id to retrieve a given opportunity category
- Add new endpoint POST /activities/search
- Add new endpoint POST /timeline/{type}/{id}/search
- add new endpoint GET /staffs
- New endpoint search
- Add new endpoint GET /contacts/:id/companies for retrieve linked companies for a given contact
- New endpoint to retrieve a company's contacts
- New endpoint to retrieve an individual's contacts
- New entry points for opportunity pipeline steps (list & search)
- New entry points for tasks (get, create, update, list & search)
- New entry points for opportunity pipelines (list & search)
- Add new endpoints (POST/DELETE) for link a contact to a company
- New entry points for opportunities (get, create, update, list & search)
- New entry point for invoicing conformity state
- New entry points for companies (get, create, update, list & search)
- New entry points for company address (get, create, update, list)
- New entry points for listing metas
- New entry points for activity
- New entry points for custom activity (get,create, update, delete, list)
- New entry points for manage personal access tokens
- New entry points for get list of scopes
- New entry points for accounting codes (list and search)
- New entry points for purchase invoices OCR (list, search)
- New entry points for accounting codes (list and search)
- New entries points for purchase invoices OCR (list, search)